Monday, January 4, 2010


Right now I'm listening to Corey Russell articulate the very thing I know that God is calling me to align myself with- starting immediately.

" You can know everything about the word, yet there is a divorce between what you know and what you live. There's a division. But I'm convinced that God's going to raise up a generation who will combine both in their lives: the Word and the Spirit. And their lives are authentic. The spirit of Truth is operating in their lives. You know what the spirit of truth is? Its not just knowing truth, its being true.
Being true in your finances, being true on your weekends, being true with your energy, being true with your dreams. Being true in every facet of your life. That you stand before God with a clean conscience saying there are no divided lines. Thats the journey we're on.

I'm longing to be a person of truth and to see a people raised up in truth. Its not enough to just know all the truths. We're longing that in the midst of bible study, of going deep in theological education, that we would combine the study of the Word of God with rigorous lifestyles of prayer, fasting, silence, contemplation, intercession- why? To flesh this thing out into our lives, and to where THIS and ME become one. To where this and me become one. We are longing for the Word and the Spirit to come in and be an explosion of life and of power on the inside of us."

I want my heart to turn from compromise to wholeheartedness.
I'm called to covenant with the Lord. He's in my midst, and he's calling me back to him.
Its happening right now.

Just let me see Jesus.
Just let me hear Jesus.

The key to understanding God's voice is to know God's heart. Thats painfully obvious. I'm having to ask myself how serious I am about it. Zechariah 3 refers to the exchange between Joshua the high preist and the Angel of the Lord. The removal of the filthy garments in exchange for "a clean turban on his head" refers to the renewal of the mind, a clean and pure thought life, and holiness before the Lord.

So am I serious? What's the real motivation of my heart? In John, its the same question Jesus asks those who walked 5 hours into the desert to watch John the Baptist burn? (Jesus refers to John as a burning and shining lamp Jn 5:35)
What was the real motivation? Was it just to get a cheap thrill? Or were they really interested in hearing and perceiving who John the Baptist was to their generation, and thereby repenting and following John the Baptist so that they could be in agreement with the revelation of Jesus, instead of being offended at the revelation of Jesus.
At the end of the day- we find our sense of satisfaction in disillusion and deception, because we think that because we know "about" the things of Jesus, we actually know the things of Jesus.
Jesus is asking, "Were you really intent about changing your life, or were you looking to just buy the t-shirt?"

The point of John the Baptist was to enter in.

The bottom line is this: I can have as much of Jesus as I want. I qualify because I'm messed up.
Praise the Lord.

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