Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Tuesday Evenings with Kater.

This just in, folks. I bought boots in Northern Ireland. HEYYYYO!!!

I love them. And for your viewing pleasure:

Joy! Joy! and Joy!

So I seem to be making so many life-altering decisions these days.
Red hair. Computer & car. Maybe a move to Oregon?

Theres a store here called Harry Corry. I keep saying Harry Carry.
Not the same. Not the same at all... I hear Mike in my head continuously.

I'm beginning to even think in an Irish accent. I fight it so it doesn't come out of my mouth.. but its becoming so difficult.

InOtherNews: We officially have a schedule (a flexible one. hah!) for the rest of my time here. Thursday night will be our worship night. I feel like my whole body is bursting with song for the last week. It helps that Tina's always near me saying, 'ooo!! pick up Pepe! (her guitar)" and "just sinnnng!!" I love it. Encouraging words always boost my confidence and increase my boldness to risk. I'm excited for Thursday. And for the rest of my life.

Yesterday some IRA radicals burned down a church here in Belfast. Its on the front page of today's paper.

What a day, what a day. He's always been faithful to me. :)

Sunday, March 29, 2009

The Irish

Irish church.
Irish food.
Irish slang.
The Irish life.
And so on.

The only times I make a point to blog/journal are when I am in a foreign country.
I find I'm always glad I do it.

They say rubbish here, not trash.
They use words typically used when articulating extreme emotion, to describe bland emotion.
Brilliant means just alright.
Shattered means worn out or tired.
To say something is "class" is saying its the raddest thing you've ever seen.
To be cheeky is to be rude.
A French press is actually called a "Cafettiere." My theory is that we just couldn't pronounce that French word.. so we came up with the closest thing.

I've been praying a lot for Mike's hands/healing.
And for Tina's husband to come out of hiding.

She keeps trying to set me up with Irish guys.

I love it when people here say my name. It sounds like "Kid."

Fact: most of the UK are Obama supporters.

I've been thinking a lot about Muslims. (not related to previous statement.)
I've never felt a specific call to go to/live among Muslim people, but I'm hit with this: they are undeniably the majority who've never heard the real of Jesus. Its fact.
So if we've really got this message of powerful redeeming love that actually can move mountains- its my responsibility to talk about in life, but probably especially to go talk about it where ears have never even heard of such a thing. Jesus said if you love me keep my commandments.. shoot, I love him. Its wild: it should say (and maybe does say) somewhere in scripture: when you're in love with me, you'll want to keep my commandments.
I love Muslims. In Dearborn, in any 'stan' you can think of. In India. Indonesia. Africa. Virginia Beach. Anywhere.
God knew what he was saying when he said: love your enemies. bless those who curse you.

Go read Jesus and Mohamed.
It'll challenge your comfort zone.

Well I'm shattered. So I'm off to bed. At 11:17pm Belfast time. 6:17pm East Coast.


3/28/09 Day 3

You know, I think about Eric nearly every day- multiple times some days. I suppose that goes away when you make it a habit.
Ecclesiastes 3 -> there is a season and a time for everything under the sun.

I'm enjoying myself here.
I decided not to lead the London team this summer. Just feel its not the right time.

Worship night coming soon here- I'm worthless to lead anything unless You tremble the ground we stand on. Humbly, I ask you to shake these hearts.

Photography- career or hobby?

Jesus, you are phenominal. Be glorified in me.

3/27/09 Day 2


Better. I do believe this sickness is on its way out. PTL! (SJ)

Met a whole bunch more people today.
I do like it here, I think.
I find myself almost involuntarily starting to count down the days_ I really want to stray from that. It has zero to do with my contentment here. I find it beautiful here- and relieving, in a way.
My mind is just swimming with so much and I wat answers to questions and direction where I am wandering and a plan and a path and an overflow.

I'm praying about a possible move.
So many variables. And options. And reasons.
I perhaps do need to go away. Not here, I'm fairly certain.

Word of God, speak.

The Grass is Greener

9pm. Belfast.

What a whirlwind. 48 hours ago I was in Nags Head. I live in Virginia Beach. Now I'm in Northern Ireland. Aye, the lives we live.

First impressions: Quaint. Exciting. Alive spiritually. Clearly artsy, yet personally bland.

My ipod was left on the last flight here. Heathrow -> Belfast. We'll try to find it.

God, what do you want to speak to me here, and how would you have me speak to others?