Monday, March 7, 2011

Rob Bell going to Hell?

Everyone else is weighing in, so I'll take a turn as well:

I think Rob Bell is brilliant. He's a gifted speaker, a very strong leader, and has an unbelievable eye for marketing and communication. I have no doubt whatsoever that the call on his life is massive.

That said, I cannot help but note the flurry of judgment chaotically flying about as of late. John Piper presumes Bell must be claiming universalism as truth. Countless loyal to Bell rebut any such statements by claiming Bell is finally a pastor in the public eye who is willing to address the truth by asking these important questions in our culture.
My question is this: does the framework of universalism really stack up as absolute truth?
Surely not. The suggestion itself crumbles under foundational truths found in the Word of God. But hey- people need to come to their own conclusions about issues as important as whether what God says is true in the first place. People taking other people's words for it are what got us into this mess to begin with.

So needless to say, I find all this dialogue to be engaging. I am familiar with this man's previous works. Three of his four releases are actually upstairs on my bookshelf at this very moment. Not once, thus far, have I surmised in my reading that this man has universalist beliefs. However, to be fair, he also has yet to address that topic overtly- until now.

According to, the controversial book will be released next Tuesday, March 15th. The night before (Monday night), Bell will be speaking in NYC, and answering viewers' questions about all of this. The entire evening will be streamed live (details found here). It will likely be interesting- mostly because it will be at that point specifically that all the speculation will cease, and the world will finally know where in fact Rob Bell stands on heaven and hell.

Its my invocation that all of this is a genius marketing technique. If it turns out Bell has adopted universalist beliefs, I consider that a true misfortune. Either way- Bell has, from a promotional perspective, cornered both the Christian and secular worlds.
I will be tuning in on Monday night to catch the first glimpse of where this tremendously influential Christian leader's heart lies... because as far as we can tell now, it hangs in the balance.

Monday, February 28, 2011

marriage material

I want to marry the kind of man whose sole confidence is in the Lord.
I want a man with a strong name.
I want to marry a strong man. With opinions and convictions.

One who loves intensely, and shares his heart well.
One who treasures me and writes music for me.

The man I marry will live an adventure with me. And treat it that way.
Iron will sharpen iron. I'm excited for that season, ever far off as it may be.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

I want to get Away

Just let me go.


Many people have encouraged me to start blogging more regularly. And because I always (*cough*) listen to everybody, here we are. I anticipate thoughts on my Bible reading, perhaps photography, other clips of beauty, and probably just general reflections on life and the Lord. So we’ll just see what comes out….

I’ve got to admit, though, blogging has always seemed kind of weird to me. I WISH it flowed effortlessly all the time.. when in reality it is only that way a fraction of the time. It’s like my journal in that I could never figure out who I was talking to. Whoever my audience-of-the-moment was, deep down I wondered if I wasn’t just talking to myself. So if that’s true, here’s to you, compadre.

Monday, January 17, 2011

songs are playing

O feelings. Why are you so abundant.

And why is it that I feel like I learn little lessons from Grey's Anatomy? - a TV show I am only slightly addicted to, in this 3rd consecutive week of watching a minimum of 3 episodes a day.

I cry.
Things stir me. Fragile moments on screen spill my emotional cup. This is a new me.
My emotions are alive again.
I know it sounds crazy, but I'm learning to feel things all over again.

I feel sadness. And I feel pain. And reality. And I feel the struggle of life, and the life that was put inside me. And the Holy Spirit all around me.
And joy. And..... alive.

I feel a lot of things.
For the first times, in a long time.

I've had things eating away at me for months. And other things for years, and still other things for over a decade. Finally roots are being dug up and exposed.

God moves in my life on a daily basis.