Wednesday, November 26, 2008

They call some of us Saints

I have internet in my room now. Funny how these things tend to just 'happen' all of the sudden.

So Kelli- I'll be all by myself in my house for a couple days leading up to Christmas. Sleep over?

The idea of Overmyer Thanksgiving BINGO being something that I've been told to really phych myself up for is really hilarious to me. Tomorrow I'll find out.

I've found more good music. Ever think that for some reason maybe the stash will run out? Sometimes I think that.. and then I remember the mice story about the cheese that they find.. and they have to keep searching for more great cheese for the very reason of their supply potentially running out... you know the story.

I'm a chatty girl. And I gossip. And it causes Jesus' eyes to well up with disappointment. Oh to hold my tongue when I ought, to weigh carefully before I let things flow easily from my lips, to act- instead of react.

Ireland may or may not happen. God, bring in those monies.

And TSO- I just looked for tickets. BUMMER. All VA shows we cancelled... heck, I would have even driven to Richmond.

its 12AM. Happy Thanksgiving. :)


Anonymous said...

hey girl!!!!!!! i LOVE YOUR PICS! so how are you? mary*

Jasminemarie said...

ha. I feel the same way about music! It's nice to finally have someone put that in words. :)

you've got some pretty amazing pictures over there. I like them!