Saturday, January 10, 2009

the Love of God is stronger

than the power of death.

I'm at an utter loss for words right now- to describe the God of all, who decides to give me favor and shower blessings upon me when I feel as if I deserve it the least.
If I ever was to think that God operated out of rewards for my "good" behavior- I'm reminded every single time.

So my time in LA so far has been an experience. I'm only on day 4, shoot.
God is amazing.
I live a very different life than most 2o-somethings around here.
Mark Sampson is a god in Japan.
"unheard of"
Hollywood thrifting.
FUN photos
Sex + Money


Jasminemarie said...

woah, we both just wrote a blog with the same title. pretttty funky.
mmm. & you are encouraging to me, kate. thank you. :)

Anonymous said...

i needed this!:) i love you!!! mary*