Tuesday, September 30, 2008

folk lore

I am increasingly thankful for the friends I have been blessed with.

God is showing me right and left what it means to have peace like a river in my soul.
To quiet myself at his feet.
To rest in him and not be bored.
To wait on him with delight in place of impatience.
Its so foreign to the way that "I want" to function.

Somehow- I've been hit with a tsunami of snot. I'm congested. I think I could pretty accurately describe what your head might feel like if someone could blow it up like a balloon.

I'm halfway into this semester at school, and I have become thoroughly aware of my shortcomings academically.

Were the gaps still present in spite of me giving my best effort, I would not be as critical- but I know, I have not only put forth effort deemed at best as 'less than acceptable', but I have been keenly aware of it for weeks now.

I could be doing too much.
I spend most of my time and energy on work and church.

School isn't my "heart" priority, but because it is the "mental" priority, it has been placed at the top of the priority list. I have been overly eager to remove it from the list altogether. Now I see that will continue to nip me in the butt. The courses I will have to repeat are stacking up. 2, possibly 3 now. Focus, focus, focus.

All my delight is in you, Lord.
Jesus, Son of David- have mercy.

Kate: "In theory, this is clean. But it smells funny to me."
Kelli: "Hm.. smells like sheet."

Serious good music:
Artist: Cindy Ruakere
Album: Karanga
Band from New Zealand; edgy rock sound; passionate and lyrically mind-blowing if you can get passed the chick's voice.

Great photography . <---- Checkkkk it.


Anonymous said...

do your school work as an act of worship unto the Lord...

It is for HIM that you seek to make yourself full of knowledge so that you will be better suited for His use in HIS Master Plan for your life!

Don't fail to honor HIM in all things!

Kelli said...

my luff for you is like tsunami.

Tsunami of snot..

Kelli said...

also.. you will be taking photos like the ones of the website of me and my fiance. Ok?




I melted.

There's me...in a puddle on the ground.
