Joy! Joy! and Joy!
So I seem to be making so many life-altering decisions these days.
Red hair. Computer & car. Maybe a move to Oregon?
Theres a store here called Harry Corry. I keep saying Harry Carry.
Not the same. Not the same at all... I hear Mike in my head continuously.
I'm beginning to even think in an Irish accent. I fight it so it doesn't come out of my mouth.. but its becoming so difficult.
InOtherNews: We officially have a schedule (a flexible one. hah!) for the rest of my time here. Thursday night will be our worship night. I feel like my whole body is bursting with song for the last week. It helps that Tina's always near me saying, 'ooo!! pick up Pepe! (her guitar)" and "just sinnnng!!" I love it. Encouraging words always boost my confidence and increase my boldness to risk. I'm excited for Thursday. And for the rest of my life.
Yesterday some IRA radicals burned down a church here in Belfast. Its on the front page of today's paper.
What a day, what a day. He's always been faithful to me. :)